Swedeman 2020 postponed
Swedeman inform: Extract of text from message sent to participants on April 16th 2020. We know you are all waiting for news about the status of Swedeman 2020 and we thank you for your patience.

We left our decision until now to ensure that we had the best possible governmental guidelines and a solid overview of the global situation, noting that 80% of Swedeman entrants come from abroad.
We are sorry to say that, in line with many of our partners in the XTRI World Tour, we will have to postpone the race until August 14th, 2021.
There were many factors involved in this decision, including input from the local community, which even with Swedish rules, is not operating, and without knowledge of when this will improve.
We are disappointed to have to give you this news but we also appreciate that for some of you it may be a relief, without the possibility to train properly or apprehension about travel in the near future.
So, for now, from all of us at Swedeman, stay safe, enjoy the many birds welcoming spring and we look forward to seeing you next year at this beautiful race.
Very best regards,
The Swedeman Team
For further information contact:
Timo Airikka, Race Director
E-mail: team@swextri.com
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Publicerad: 2020-04-16
Senast uppdaterad: 2020-04-16
Författare: Tom Mårtensson