Patrik Nilsson tog hem vinsten i IM 70.3 Barcelona
Stort stort grattis säger vi till Patrik Nilsson som var snabbast av alla i söndagens IM-tävling i Barcelona.
Söndagen var en bra dag för svenske Patrik Nilsson. Han var först över mållinjen och tog därmed sin första vinst i ett 70.3-race. Såhär skriver Patrik själv på sitt Instagram:
The race started with a really messy swim with waves and alot of punches. Managed to get through the swim, take the wrong transition bag and get out on the bike in the front group. So the race started with a solid performance.The pace on the bike was high on the hilly course. Tried to stay with Maurice Clavel on the bike but lost him around 45k and did the rest alone. Got out on the run as no 2, 2 min behind Maurice. After Challenge Fuerteventura I have been able to get back to my normal runshape. I knew that 3.30 pace would bring me to a first or second place, so decided to stay at that pace. With Teresa on the side of the course, giving me times it was easy to keep positive and out on the second loop the win seemed to be possible. With 5 km to go, I caught Maurice and we did 2 km together. With 3km left I got a small gap to Maurice and kept it to the finnish!
The day ended up with my first 70.3 win and it seems like my shape is back on track! Now I am looking forward to the rest of the season, but first some days with recovery in Callela..."
Grattis igen till ett grymt race!
Fullständiga resultat från IM 70.3 Barcelona Länk till annan webbplats.
Publicerad: 2016-05-26
Senast uppdaterad: 2017-06-30
Författare: Tom Mårtensson